Dedicated to Securing San Diego's Water Supply
Water Reliability Coalition
The San Diego region has a water supply dilemma: we import more than 80% of our water. Our members agree we need a better water supply solution, so we are working to advance water reuse to diversify the region's water portfolio, reduce our reliance on imported water and bring positive environmental, social and economic impacts to the greater San Diego region. We are a broad-based affiliation of environmental, consumer, business, labor, ratepayer and technical organizations that look forward to our region securing a safe, reliable, sustainable & cost-effective local water supply.
San Diego's Water Supply

Our History
In 2008, water recycling was a buzz among concerned groups in the San Diego region. On September 24, 2008 Surfrider Foundation, BIOCOM and San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce held an event to highlight the benefits and importance of their shared goal of educating the community on the importance of using recycled water. November 10th of the same year, San Diego Coastkeeper and the San Diego County Taxpayers Association came together to form the Water Reliability Coalition to address San Diego's water crisis and diminishing water supply.

What are wastewater recycling and potable reuse?
Wastewater recycling and potable reuse are a combination of treatment processes that, when combined, treat wastewater into a highly purified renewable source of potable water.