Pure Water, Coastkeeper Team Up on Project SWELL

Pure Water San Diego staff is working closely with San Diego Coastkeeper and Think Blue San Diego on Project SWELL (Stewardship: Water Education for Lifelong Leadership), a school-based science curriculum that teaches students about the importance of the region's water ways.

Participants have developed an updated Project SWELL kit for distribution to 5th grade teachers in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD). Teachers attended a professional development session last month at the North City Water Reclamation Plant to learn more about this new "Water in San Diego" curriculum.

Also as part of its youth outreach, the City has partnered with SDUSD to develop Media Days to teach high school students about Pure Water San Diego while also helping to sharpen their skills in writing, reporting, photography, and filming.

Over two days in February, nearly 100 journalism students from eight SDUSD high schools attended the Pure Water Media Days. The agenda for each day included a tour of the Pure Water Facility, a workshop on storytelling and photography, and panels on careers in the media and water industries.

Local reporters led the storytelling and media career sessions, and City staff, including chemists, water resource specialists and public information officers, led the water industry sessions.

For more information on Project SWELL, click here.

Jason Roe