Rate Structure Reform Discussed at September WRC Meeting
Brent Eidson and Seth Gates from the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department (PUD) joined us at the September meeting to make a presentation on possible changes to the water rate structure and seek preliminary input from the group.
As you know, PUD committed to exploring rate structure reform during the 2015 rate approval process.
The presentation offered a review of the current potable water rate structure. Afterward, input was solicited on how this structure might best be changed in the future.
PUD held a series of public workshops in August that represented the first step in a public process that will aid in developing potable water rate options. This process will not result in immediate rate changes. Options will be brought back to stakeholders and customers for further input in the spring of 2018. Potential alternative water rate structures will be shared with City Council in a public hearing during the summer of 2018.
Thank you, Brent and Seth, for the informative presentation! If you missed it, you can view the slides here.