Why do we need potable reuse in San Diego?

Currently, the San Diego region imports more than 80% of its water supply from the Colorado River and Northern California. San Diego’s water supply relies heavily on importing water from hundreds of miles away, making the region vulnerable to a water shortage in the event of natural disasters or drought. By investing locally in AWP, the City will have a controlled source of drinking water.

Additionally, importing water is becoming increasingly more expensive and unavailable as demand increases along the water supply routes. As San Diego’s population expands and overall consumption of water increases, providing local water supplies has become more imperative to ensure a reliable source for potable water. The City of San Diego's Water Reuse Study confirmed that supplementing reservoirs with highly-purified wastewater is the best option for water reuse in San Diego. By adding treated wastewater to the local drinking water reservoirs, San Diego can have a drought resistant source of high-quality drinking water to supply to its residents.