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In recent years, environmental groups have advocated for stormwater capture and reuse as a sustainable water supply source with multiple benefits, but there are still many unknowns about the feasibility and potential for reuse of stormwater. This project aims to educate the business community, civic leaders and policy makers of the potential for stormwater capture and reuse as a sustainable source of water supply within our region.

Join us for a three-part workshop series examining stormwater capture and reuse through different perspectives with presentations from experts in the field, followed by discussion and Q&A.


Workshop1: Introduction to Stormwater Capture - Industry, Science, and Technology

Moderator : Ry Rivard, Voice of San Diego

Panelists :

●  Lisa Kay, Alta Environmental

●  Adel Hagekhalil, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation

●  Stephanie Gaines, County of San Diego Watershed Protection Program

Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Time: 11:30am – 1pm
Location: San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce


Workshop 2: Regulatory Hurdles and Conflicts 

Moderator: Ry Rivard, Voice of San Diego


●  Jack Monger, Industrial Environmental Association

●  Matt O’Malley, San Diego Coastkeeper

●  Halla Razak, City of San Diego Public Utilities Department

●  Chris Beegan, CA State Water Resources Control Board

Date: Monday, May 15, 2017
Time: 11:30am- 1pm
Location: The San Diego Foundation, 2 508 Historic Decatur Road, #200, San Diego, CA 92106

Workshop 3: Stormwater Capture & Reuse Case Studies

Register Here


Date: June 29, 2017

Time: 11:30am - 1pm
Location: The San Diego Foundation, 2508 Historic Decatur Road, #200, San Diego, CA 92106